Monday, September 27, 2010

Inject own friend...Feeling is so special

Today met a highschoolmate in my hospital, who was very popular in basketball team in high school.
After 4 years graduated from high school, I met her in my department (outpatient dept) because she came in for medical check up, in order to allow her to work in Taiwan.
Her accent became so taiwanese because she studied there for 4 years. After reaching home, I saw her message to me in fb, she was glad that I helped her,etc .......she was so friendly.

I feel glad to meet her, tried to help her as much as I can: I called her name to enter dr's room for physical examination, and called her to inject her with MMR vaccination.

This is my first time inject my own friend. It went very smooth. However, I still being commented by my senior, who had supervised me during the injection. She said I did not put the needle 90 degree enough for this intramuscular injection and the needle went in too deep. Anyway, it would be no harm to my friend because the vaccine definitely would enter her muscle. It was just the comment to sharpen my injection skill. Thanks for my senior for commenting me.

Monday, September 20, 2010


突然觉得,有些医生真的很懒惰。或许习惯性护士们的帮忙,连小东西都要人家帮。今天看不过眼的是,酒精片(alcohol swab)也要护士或者护士助理撕开才开心,不然就讲你为什么不撕给他/她。有些地方的医生才没有你那么懒惰呢。



Monday, September 13, 2010





Monday, September 6, 2010

A hectic day

Morning shift, till 2pm--> 2.30pm to 3.30pm Infection control Talk --> 3.40pm to 5pm Advanced resuscitation presentation by other staff nurses.

Back to home at 6pm--> Dinner till 6.30pm--> met friends who just came back from Penang trip 630pm to 730pm

IN SUMMARY, today I feel very happy by learning from the infection control talk and resuscitation presentation. I feel that I am more well-equipped when dealing with emergency case and more knowledegable as a staff nurse. Now I realised that I really love learning.

I hope that I could have such satisfaction everyday. Only with that, I would feel motivated to work hard everyday.

HOWEVER, I could not guess the hint behind the Sister's verbal word. Sister was asking if I have any doubt during working time... She looked at me few seconds, then I asked her"anything?Sister?". She replied, " you are quite systematic in work, but....something need to..must act fast la." Did some nurses complained about me? I do not know.
Anyway, if people complained me slow in doing work, I would not mind because I am still new and I want my job being carried without any mistakes. So far, I did not do any big mistakes. And sorry if i asked too much.